Monday, February 8, 2010

You Know You’re a Commando if…

Certain children who clearly are Commando Kids. Many others, however, have at least some Commando tendencies or aspire to do as much as they can, as often as they can. Since Commando Kids have advanced ways to get what they want, and take control of their base camp, it's an appropriate aspiration.

When a semi-Zen child sees a Commando taking charge in a daycare setting, for example, something can be awakened behind their calm, story-reading, adult-pleasing demeanor that inspires them to grab life by the fatigues, or at least execute a special mission or two (baby steps, baby steps!)

In general, if you’re a second-born, you’re also a Commando Kid. It’s imperative from birth that you keep up with your big brother or sister (who is almost undoubtedly a Zen child), so you can’t help but develop the extra energy and intensity required to be a true Commando.

There are, however, those children on the edge, who aren’t clearly Commando by birth but who have the potential and the inclination to take their worlds by storm. With practice, even a Zen child can do more and do it more often (frequently under the guidance of a Commando sibling).

If you are unsure if you are a Commando Kid, there are some traits one can consider in making an assessment of how Commando you are, outlined below:

• You were walking at nine months old—or rolling at birth, or climbing out of your crib at six months—you hear grownups tell extraordinary tales of your feats of Herculean baby strength when you were younger.
• You’re very interested in your family’s dog, cat, or other furry housepet, but for some reason, it’s always hiding or running away when you see it.
• You don’t play so much as you strategize. You draw maps, you plan how to make your move without Mom seeing what you’re doing, you keep a battle plan in mind at all times.
• Everything is a tool, a gun, or a firehose—everything.
• Sitting still is not in your repertoire, unless you’re hiding as part of a covert operation. Long car rides—not your thing.
• Being quiet is not in your repertoire, unless you’re sneaking up on Mom as part of a covert operation.
• Everything is fuel or ammunition—everything.
• Your parents have a hard time keeping a babysitter.
• Your parents are very tired.
• You are never tired.
• You are always ready for action. You are never sick, even if you have a fever of 102 degrees and you’re wheezing and oozing from your orifices.
• You have climbed, scaled, or crawled under, everything in your base camp—everything.
• Everyone at daycare knows your name, and they know you’re coming before they see you.

If three or more of the above apply to you, you have Commando tendencies.

If five or more of the above apply to you, you have great potential to distract and conquer, and with some effort you could join your Commando brethren on the front lines.

If the list above reads like a window into your soul, you don’t need anyone to tell you you’re a Commando, you’re busy carrying out your next mission already.

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